Friday, August 29, 2014

Not There

we are very good friends and she is not there         
not any time soon she has in actual fact care            
not wanting to go there your edges to rough     
rough heart has to be more than close so rare      
dearheart is still haunting in her e’er actions
someday soon she may learn some reactions
pas sions a wake for her with one as urbane
urbane haunt still lives in her like damn bastions
your speech, your hobby, foreign as can be
lexes cut the heart of One Dearheart can see
twists an ache in her chambers of the mind
mind chasm she will not to cross cause no glee
this time she knows the future dearheart alter’
more chasms will again propel a mind into falter
falter no longer here in route to her new future
her hope to have both Rocks of Gibraltar  

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Feeble Change

Erase, her very feeble attempt
forcing idealist into change
in lace, she knows His contempt
culture shocks, abound preempt
corpses largest organ in mange
her dearheart, marches unkempt
forcing idealist into change

Friday, February 21, 2014

I Let You In...Freely

I let you in freely, now regrets.
Never can I be free, how can I?
Told you some of my secrets.

Secrets, even when you die.
Secrets not for you to share.
Even when you wear a//tie.

Seemingly emotionless, stare.
Constantly complain in tercets.
Say something like you care.

Loving you against all bets.
I let you in my love&soulmate.
Feeling forever in your debts.

I let you in my soul, // mate.
Never can I be free, // can I?
Loving me too much on a plate?

Cannot live if life with you a lie.
Two of us can have the whole pie.

Say something like you care.
Just a game: Was I to play.
Resisting break yes I dare.

Love can reign thru us this day.
Just be in love, let them stare.
Regrets; they have let love decay.

In their decay, let’s not be that pair.
Live together until death do us part.
Caring what others think, sad, beware.

Get realigned, scoop me for a restart.
Loving you from afar will be my demise.
Time to get to know all of us, be smart.

Great looking I am when lots of exercise.
Really quite a ‘free’, very full of surprise.

You pulled away before winning the prize.
Need for you to be true, resist your mood.
Stop worrying about our every little size.

Many times you sat in a strange brood.
Lover o lover a fierce ‘free’ you could be.
You could call the break over, yes you could.

Swallow your pride and love again for all to see.
So, none of them are perfect, that is reality.
Love me in the mountains and by the sea.

Everyday apart; we will begin, all over with me.
Just want to be near, I am in love with thee.
Crazy over the top the sight of you causes glee!

Where are you? Look for you? No more me.
Loving you see, oh see just us, be all we can be?