Sunday, July 19, 2009

The River Speaks

That inner voice of the river speaks,
Waves and waves that peak,
Onward and upward the water rises,
Leaving on it banks many prizes.

Many large trees and huge muddy streaks,
Oaks, maples, pines and even a teak,
Downward and lower the water sensationalizes,
Washing away many surprises.

The sounds soft and in shrieks,
Unsound waves havoc is reek,
Solace is often where He advises,
During the calms and chastise's.

That inner voice of the river speaks,
Quiet pools, waterfalls and creeks,
Listening, peace the inner voice comprises,
Sound thinking the river advises.


  1. This has a wonderful rhythm, depth, and flow, just like a river! Beautifully done...I really enjoyed it.

  2. I think the elements of nature do have voices of their own.

  3. wonderful message, rhyme and beautifully said.

  4. Lovely, especially the descriptions in the last verse.

  5. This poem has the feel of a villanelle. I like the feel of repetition within its structure.

  6. The sounds soft and in shrieks,
    Unsound waves havoc is reek,

    Absolutely beautiful! What a great poem, it flowed just like your river. I loved it.


Comments always welcomed.